Compost & Mulch Production
Beneficial Reuse Focus

Receiving & Processing
Universal BioCarbon, Inc. seeks to receive and convert Florida’s green waste into several beneficial agricultural “biocarbon” rich products. These products range from basic organic compost and wood mulch to more advanced torrified and even activated carbon/charcoal products. By creating this sustainable system and converting all vegetative biomass received into valuable products that are beneficial to both the environment and the end user, we can achieve our mission to reduce the useless disposal of vegetative biomass and therefore improve our community and the world.
Compost Production
After evaluating the Florida biomass stream, we have discovered that not all biomass is created equal. Some biomass received will have already undergone decomposition and is no longer considered fresh vegetative material. For this material, we have prepared an OMRI-approved organic composting production process to produce some of the highest quality compost/soil product available on the market at an affordable price.

Our services were designed to create the highest level of beneficial reuse from discarded biomass. Contact us to find out how we can accommodate your needs today.